Der "Was ich dir gerne sagen möchte" - Thread 2

Alles Gute für das Neue Jahr! Dass es mindestens so schön wird wie das alte 🍀🍀🍀🎆🌠
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auch wenn du mir nicht antwortest, bin ich froh, dir geschrieben zu haben. Vielleicht hift es mir, loslassen zu können. Vielleicht komm ich an den Punkt, an dem du mir gleichgültig bist. Oder vielleicht sogar an den Punkt, an dem es mich freut, dich zu sehen, ohne dass es hinterher weh tut.
Du könntest mir auch erzählen, dass du den Ring nicht mehr trägst, weil du dich wegen einer andern von ihr getrennt hast. Und dann wird es vielleicht wieder wie vor Jahren: du bist keine Option.

So weit bin ich aber noch nicht. Und immer wieder flackert die kleine Hoffung auf, dass du dich doch bei mir meldest. Oder uns das Schicksal in Italien zusammenführt
I hope you are happy
Dumped me.
But yes. The main thing is that you are happy

How can you be so mean
Where's your heart?
I've done so much for you!
And you thank me like this?
Because of you I have to rebuild my trust in love.
You just threw it against the wall.
How could you!
Everything in your mouth was a lie.
I can't hate you, no, I don't love you anymore,
It's just that you were so cold and heartless with me.
And fucked me for half a year.
That makes me really create.
The image of us, as you were. Everything was a mask.
I still can't believe it,
What a characterless pig you are.
Be happy with your new one.
You don't deserve me.
You know what?
In life, everything comes back.
Karma will take care of it.
I believe in it.
Have a nice life!!!!
I've got you figured out.
Your mask has fallen.
You do that to everyone.
You play your role well.
In the beginning, you say the same sentences to her.
It's all the same to me.
You're a pathetic pig.
You're a devil.
How can you be so heartless?
You don't do that.
But, I have learned not to believe everything anymore.
It was too good to be true.
It couldn't be true.
Inside you are a broken, immature boy.
You're happy right now.
But believe me.
You'll do to her what you did to me.
You are a narcissist, I felt it.
But you are so cold and heartless.
I never thought that.
Every day that goes by, I feel better.
I will work through this relationship.
Not like you, rush into the next relationship, and not even question why? You go the pain out of the way, is yes the easy way. Give someone new the attention.
Replace the old, you will never learn to deal with yourself, to ask what love means,...
You will always fill that gap, with others.
The confirmation will come from the outside.
But also with you, the day comes, the rose-colored glasses go,...
You will go back to the search.
I will look in a few years, again, which is the new.
You are so stupid you have everything publicly.
I will think to myself.
Fortunately, that's not my problem anymore.
It's hard.
How can you hurt me like this?
It hurts so much.
For half a year I was lied to and cheated.
You broke my heart.
How could you do this to me?
How can I handle this....
I am really sad to no end.
That a human being can be like this...
Yes you wanted to part on good terms?
For what? So you could keep using me...
I'm glad I figured you out. Your fake games...
I had such a good image of you...
But you never were.
You deceive other people.
You have two faces.
In the beginning you are a loving man...
And then with time...
When there is no more interest.
Comes the other face..
If you were to ask me today...
Would I give you a chance?
Never... a liar..such a man I will and can never trust again.
You are the wolf in sheep's fur.
Be happy with your new one.
I don't want to change.
Again the thanks...
Have a nice life.
Wieso? Wieso das "ich vermisse dich so sehr"? Wie ernst meinst du das?
Was ich dir verschwiegen habe: ich habe heute Nacht von dir geträumt. Wieso hast du dich ausgerechnet heute morgen gemeldet? Kann das wirklich Zufall sein? Oder ist da doch dieses magische Band?
Wie können wir es schaffen, uns nicht noch weiter voneinander zu entfernen? Ich würde dich so gerne auch weiterhin in meinem Leben haben.

PS: ich habe das Gefühl, blöd reagiert zu haben. Ich hätte durchaus mehr Begeisterung zeigen können. Es tut mir leid.
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Reaktionen: PeaceandHope
Was sagt mir mein Kalender?
Heute vor 5 Jahren!
Was fällt mir noch dazu ein?
Du bist ein narzisstisches Arschloch und mir tut jedes weibliche Wesen leid das in deine Fänge gerät.
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Reaktionen: Minusch
Die Zeit vergeht und es tut immer noch so weh, man gewöhnt sich daran, aber es tut trotzdem weh. Die Zeit heilt keine Wunden.
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Reaktionen: Sonnenschein aus HE